September 29, 2019: Lacy & Sylvia of Break The Silence Against Domestic Violence; Lauren Tarrant – Choosing Your Own Caregiver w/Well Beyond Care; Musical Duo, RagTop; & MORE!

Missed the show?  It was awesome and you can hear the entire show right her!   Lacy and Sylvia of  Break The Silence Against Domestic Violence (BTSADV), joined us to discuss domestic violence, share their journey with domestic violence, show us that it’s...

August 25, 2019: Author, Meryl Davids Landau, on Inner Peace and “Warrior Won: A Novel” and Finding Inner Peace; Brandi and Walter of F & B Restaurant on SPI; & Dr. Mara on Staying on the Path

Missed the show? It was awesome!  And you can hear it all right here! Joining us from Florida, award-winning magazine writer, certified yoga teacher, and author, Meryl Davids Landau.  Meryl joined us to discuss her new book, Warrior Won:  A Novel.  “Warrior Won...