Check out Dr. Mara’s new blog to help get back onto the Path of Passion…. Getting Back to the Basics — Starting with Food In my 2023 New Year’s blog, I offered seven steps to reset and create the life you want. The steps were not in any specific order and, in...
Happy New Year!!! Check out Dr. Mara’s New Year’s Blog for 2023!!! 7 Steps To Reset and Create the Life You Want in 2023 Every New Year, many of us hope to hit restart and jump back onto our path of passion and joy, especially when things didn’t go the way we...
If you missed Dr. Mara’s talk at the Online Wellness Expo, here’s the videotape. The topic: “10 Steps to Release Anxiety and Thrive as We Re-Engage with the World.” Watch it on Facebook right here:
Happy New Year! This was our first show of 2020 and the new decade…and what a great way to start!! It was AWESOME and you can hear the whole show right here! We were joined, once again, by best-selling author, teacher, and facilitator of workshops in the...
Missed the show? It was GREAT! No worries! We’ve got you covered! You can hear it all right here!! Jay Schneider of Bridge to Shore Interventions and Sober Services, and Eric Button, of Vista Taos Renewal Center, joined Dr. Mara in our Austin studio to...
Arrange to have Dr. Karpel speak to your organization. Many groups, communities, and companies have benefited from having insights into the process of aging and the care involved.