February 9, 2020: Lauren Tarrant, RN, of Well-Beyond Care on Caregiving; New Release by Jazz Saxophonist, Paula Atherton; & Dr. Mara Taming Our Inner Troll to Follow Our Dreams

February 9, 2020: Lauren Tarrant, RN, of Well-Beyond Care on Caregiving; New Release by Jazz Saxophonist, Paula Atherton; & Dr. Mara Taming Our Inner Troll to Follow Our Dreams

Missed the show?  You can hear it all right at the link below!  And on Apple Podcasts!    Lauren Tarrant, RN, Co-founder of Well Beyond Care, helping people choose their own caregivers for the best fit anywhere in the U.S., joined us once again caregivers.  More...

February 2, 2020: Dr. Zakia Gates on Social Justice and Diversity in Education & Irrational Thought as the “New Intelligence.” Art Mendoza/Accomplice Entertainment on SXSW Music Festival Events in March. Dr. Mara on Living the Passionate Life “In Spite of the Hassles”

If you missed the show, it was AWESOME!  No worries, though.  You can hear the whole program right here!   We were joined from Philadelphia by, Professor of Education, Dr. Zakia Y. Gates.  Dr. Gates refers to herself as an Intentional, Trans-formative Culturally...
January 26, 2020: Dr. Lawrence Edwards on Kundalini Meditation and Spiritual Development; Jim Pace of Good Neighbor Settlement House on The Humanity Crisis at the Border; Producer, Art Mendoza on Upcoming Events During SXSW; & Dr. Mara on Staying the Course on the Path of Passion

January 26, 2020: Dr. Lawrence Edwards on Kundalini Meditation and Spiritual Development; Jim Pace of Good Neighbor Settlement House on The Humanity Crisis at the Border; Producer, Art Mendoza on Upcoming Events During SXSW; & Dr. Mara on Staying the Course on the Path of Passion

Missed the program?  You can hear the whole AWESOME show right here!   We were joined from Westchester, NY, by Lawrence Edwards, Ph.D., Licensed Psychotherapist, Board-Certified Neurotherapist, faculty member of New York Medical College, President of the...