Missed the program? You can hear the whole AWESOME show right here!
We were joined from Westchester, NY, by Lawrence Edwards, Ph.D., Licensed Psychotherapist, Board-Certified Neurotherapist, faculty member of New York Medical College, President of the Kundalini Research Network, author, and founder of KundaliniSupport.org and The Anam Cara Meditation Foundation, a 501 (C) 3 non-profit educational organization dedicated to teaching meditative practices from a variety of traditions, making them freely available to everyone. Dr. Edwards joins us to discuss meditation, Kundalini and spiritual development. Find out more about Kundalini meditation, learn to meditate with free videos, find out about events at Anam Cara, consultations and workshops with Dr. Edwards, and CD’s and books, plus more, all at: www.TheSoulsJourney.com.
Lawrence Edwards, Ph.D.
James Pace of Good Neighbor Settlement House joined us from near the border in Brownsville, TX to tell us about what’s happening with migrants at the border and the humanity crisis there. Jim is a collector of stories and he read us some of the personal stories of the asylum seekers, including why they left their dangerous homes to take the dangerous journey to the US and what happened after they arrived at the U.S. You can sign up to receive stories Jim has collected each week in your e-mail in-box and/or receive a package via snail mail of a booklet of 48 interviews by e-mailing Jim at: [email protected]. At the bottom of this post is one of the migrant interviews sent by Jim.
Art Mendoza, of Accomplice Entertainment and Producer of this show, told us about Accomplice Entertainment events during the SXSW music festival, including a live performance of Dr. Mara Karpel & Your Golden Years on Friday, March 20, at 6pm CT. The venue will be The Backstage at El Mercado on South First in Austin, TX. Admission for that show is free and the audience will be part of a video taping. 100 free copies of The Passionate Life will be given out to audience members. Following that show, there will be several musical acts that night…and then on Saturday, March 21. All the information about the shows will soon be available and the link will be posted right here!
Art Mendoza of Accomplice Entertainment
The Backstage
at El Mercado
1302 S 1st St,
Austin, Texas 78704
And Dr. Mara with more tips to stay on track in 2020 to live a Passionate Life, when hitting the rough spots of the path.
The Passionate Life: Creating Vitality & Joy at Any Age
Below is one of the more recent of the interviews collected by Jim Pace from asylum seekers at the border:
Our family is from Quito, Ecuador with five members, namely…….