September 4, 2022:  Cantor Michael Zoosman – “Jews Against The Death Penalty”; Art of Accomplice Entertainment on Austin Happenings; & Dr. Mara – Living with Passion

September 4, 2022: Cantor Michael Zoosman – “Jews Against The Death Penalty”; Art of Accomplice Entertainment on Austin Happenings; & Dr. Mara – Living with Passion

Happy Labor Day Weekend!! Did you miss the show?  It was great!  But, no worries because you can her the podcast right here! And you can ALSO listen on Apple podcasts right HERE!                                                                                         ...
February 28, 2021:  Artist, Poet, Photographer, Jonathan J. Levine – Transformative Art & the Magic of Living a Creative Life; Dr. Mara on Living w/Passion Through Uncertain Times

February 28, 2021: Artist, Poet, Photographer, Jonathan J. Levine – Transformative Art & the Magic of Living a Creative Life; Dr. Mara on Living w/Passion Through Uncertain Times

Missed the show?  It was awesome!  You can hear it all right here! And you can also listen to the podcast on Apple Podcasts!   We were joined from Northern California, by  Artist, Poet, Photographer, Digital Alchemist, Jonathan J. Levine.  Jonathan is the...

September 15, 2019: Tai Chi for Longevity of Mind and Body – Austin Kung Fu & Tai Chi; Austin Artist, Theresa Taylor Bayer; Dr. Mara on Creation, Compassion, & The Passionate Life

Missed the show?  It was AWESOME!  No worries, though.  We’ve got you covered.  You can hear it all right here right now!   We were joined in the studio by co-owner of Austin Kung Fu and Tai-Chi, Dr. Joe Schaefer, to discuss body and mind benefits of Tai...