Dr. Mara’s latest blog in Medium.com. Read it HERE! It’s February! How’s your 2020 going, so far? Mine came in like a tornado. Has it only been a month? I feel like we are half-way through 2020 already! I was recently reading an Instagram post by, the best-selling...
If you missed the show, it was AWESOME! No worries, though. You can hear the whole program right here! We were joined from Philadelphia by, Professor of Education, Dr. Zakia Y. Gates. Dr. Gates refers to herself as an Intentional, Trans-formative Culturally...
Dr. Mara’s latest blog in Ariana Huffington’s ThriveGlobal.com: Read HERE: “In this ever increasingly unhinged reality, in which all the familiar structures are morphing or coming off their moorings, it makes sense once you’ve gone fifty orbits or more round the...
By Dr. Mara Karpel “A clown is like an aspirin, only he works twice as fast.” ~ Groucho Marx How we feel emotionally is often caused by the thoughts that we think. As I’ve become more mindful of my thoughts and how I feel, I’ve noticed that it sure is easy to wear...
By Dr. Mara Karpel “Don’t die with your music still inside you. Listen to your intuitive inner voice and find what passion stirs your soul.” ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer How are those New...
Speaking Engagements
Arrange to have Dr. Karpel speak to your organization. Many groups, communities, and companies have benefited from having insights into the process of aging and the care involved.