You Will Be Criticized For Following Your Passion: Don’t Let It Stop You From Living Out Loud

Dr. Mara’s latest blog in Ariana Huffington’s
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“Don’t worry if you’re making waves simply by being yourself. The moon does it all the time.”
~ Scott Stabile
When we decide to listen to our soul’s whispers, as Naomi Levy, author of Einstein and the Rabbi: Searching for the Soul, describes it… when we embark on the expedition to follow our dreams — to live with purpose — there will always be pushback from others. It’s a given. I could write an entire book made up of all of the criticisms and words of doubt that I’ve received along my journey over the past few years. It might make for some interesting reading, especially if I were to put those statements next to the list of the milestones I’ve achieved. There are always risks involved with putting ourselves out there, living out loud, and following a path that has meaning for us. And it’s also a given that, if, when we come to the fork in the road, we give in to the fear of taking some level of risk and, instead, choose to follow the most traveled way, we are less likely to find our passion or to unleash our most auspicious gifts.  Read more HERE Check out Dr. Mara’s new Internationally Best Selling Book, The Passionate Life: Creating Vitality & Joy at Any Age, now available on Kindle AND in Paperback!

The Passionate Life


And check out all of Dr. Mara’s blogs in Thrive Global right HERE!