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Iowa Congressional Candidate & Long Term Care Ombudsman of the Iowa Dept on Aging, Kim Weaver, joined us to speak about the very important, Federally-mandated program of “Senior Advocates,” developed as a result of the Older Americans Act. Kim Weaver is now running for Congress in the State of Iowa, with her main platform being that of senior issues. she also spoke about the very important issue of financial exploitation of Social Security benefits, the ombudsman program, and MORE senior issues! Find out more about the ombudsman program around the nation by going to: www.LTCOmbudsman.org. You can find out more about Kim Weaver and her run for Congress…and you can donate to her campaign…by going to WeaverForCongress.com. Also, check out her FaceBook page! And contact her directly at: [email protected]! By the way, October is National Nursing Home Residents’ Rights Month!!
Iowa Congressional Candidate and Longterm Care Ombudsman, Kim Weaver
[email protected]
Laura Gelezunas reported in from the paradise Puerto Vallarta to tell is about all the snowbirds heading down for another season. It’s getting busy again, as the winter visitors start coming in for the seasons. Coming up is Day of the Dead, a very big Mexican celebration of the lives of those who have passed, lasting from October 29 thru Nov. 2. Also, the charities are always busy with events coming up. Find out about all of it by going to: BanderasNews.com. Need a place to rent or buy? Contact Laura directly at: [email protected].
Super guitarist Dawn Maracle joined us in the studio to talk about her life in music (Ever see the movie “Ricky and the Flash?” That could be her life!!) and we played some of her original music! Find out where Dawn will be playing, listen to her music, download music or buy CD’s, by going to DawnMaracle.com. Her music is also available for download on soundclick.com, iTunes, and CDBaby.
AND the benefits of giving without expectation!
Listen to the podcast right HERE!