You can hear the podcast of tonight’s show right here!  It was awesome!

Check Out Self Help Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Dr Mara Karpel Your Golden Years on BlogTalkRadio


Joining us, once again, from NYC….Writer, speaker, wellness coach, yoga coach, and rock-star of the mind-body wellness world, Quentin Vennie talked about how we can each transform our own lives to overcome obstacles and overcome adversity to achieve mind/body well-being…and topics from his Master Your Mondays series, including his thoughts about his home-town of Baltimore.

Quentin shared with us 3 of his fave recipes:  2 juices and a smoothie!  Here you go, thanks to Quentin Vennie!

#1 Favorite Green Juice:  4 kale leaves, 2 handfuls of spinach, 3 celery stalks, a nice chunk of ginger, 1 cucumber, and 1 apple.

Green Juice #2:  1/2 of a honeydew melon, 2 cups of spinach, 1 chunk of ginger, 1 pear, and 1 apple.

Pina Colada Smoothie:  1/4 frozen mango, 1/4 frozen pineapple, 2 handfuls of spinach, 1 frozen banana, 2 Tbs extra virgin coconut oil, 1 Tbs honey, some water.

Quentin is available for speaking engagements and personal coaching (anywhere around the nation).  You can contact him about either of these and you can sign up for his weekly blog/Master Your Monday YouTube series, read his published articles, and be notified when his new book is available, all by going to  You can also follow Quentin on,, and

 Quentin Vennie, speaker, writer, health coach, motivational guide and soon-to-be best selling author.

Quentin Vennie, speaker, writer, health coach, motivational guide and soon-to-be best selling author.

Quentin Vennie Yogi


Texas musician, Jack Hartwell,  joined us from South Padre Island, TX and we played some of his performances.  You can see and hear Jack performing live on South Padre Island every Sunday at the farmers market @11am to 1pm AND every Thursday evening, @ 7pm, at the Palm Street Pier.

Folk Musician, Jack Hartwell

Folk Musician, Jack Hartwell


Also, Debi Krakar, Executive Director of Austin Dog Alliance spoke about their new program, Hounds for Heroes, training service dogs for veterans!  Donate or find out about receiving a service dog by going to


And …Giving Without Expectation or Judgment!

Teacher with Her Young Painting Students


Listen to the podcast right HERE!