Missed the program? It was AWESOME! And you can hear it all right here!
J. F. Benoist, Author, Speaker, and Director & Founder of The Exclusive Hawaii Addiction Treatment Center, and author of Addicted to the Monkey Mind: Change the Programming That Sabotages Your Life, joined us, once again from Hawaii. This time J.F. discussed PTSD. Find out more about J.F. and his addiction treatment center in Hawaii, read his blogs that are a continuation of the book, and purchase his book (right now at half price with free shipping) at: TheExclusiveHawaii.com. His book is also available on Amazon.

J. F. Benoist
Director/Founder, The Exclusive Hawaii Addiction Treatment Center
Musician, Brett Marshall, was rescheduled to September 8, due to technical difficulties with playing the music. Stay tuned!!!
Brett Marshall
We also listened to the second interview Dr. Mara did at the border in the Brownsville bus terminal with Team Brownsville volunteer, Sergio Cordova, about what’s happening on the on the border. In this interview, one of the young men asylum seekers whom Sergio has sponsored so that he could stay in the U.S. after release from detention center, spoke to Dr. Mara and Sergio translated. You can donate to Team Brownsville and find out about volunteering to show your compassion and generosity by going to: TeamBrownsville.org. In the words of the great speaker, author, and Holocaust survivor, Elie Wiesel, “Human suffering anywhere concerns men and women everywhere.“
Dr. Mara visited Sergio and Team Brownsville volunteers at the border.
Dr. Mara with another sneak peek into her book, The Passionate Life: Creating Vitality & Joy at Any Age. This time, Dr. Mara discussed dealing with the critics. Will you let the certainty of criticism stop you from listening to your soul’s calling?