Missed the show? You can here it all right here. It was AWESOME!
The founder and owner of Austin Holistic Fitness and Nutrition, Jeremy Robinson, joined us, once again, from here in Austin. This time Jeremy discussed overcoming injury…and detoxing. You can find out more about Jeremy’s fitness and nutrition coaching, find out about his 8-Week Health Coaching Program, and you can contact him at: AustinHolisticFitness.com.
Jeremy can do virtual coaching, so you don’t have to live near Austin to be receive his expert advice.
Laura Gelezunas reported in from the retirement paradise, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. September is a slow month there, but there are still some activities going on there, such as with the Expats In Vallarta and the Friday Foodies, as well as yoga, meditation, tai chi and water sports. Things pick up again in October for the beginning of high season. Find out everything that’s happening in the Vallarta and it’s surrounding area by going to BanderasNews.com. It’s updated daily! This is a good time to find a place to live for the high season. Laura can help you with that. Contact her at [email protected].
Paula Atherton joined us from New York to talk about the latest things happening with her music..and we played some of her original music. Paula is just completing her 5th CD and she has several shows scheduled for around the country. You can buy her CD’s, download her music, watch her videos, and find out her performance schedule by going to: PaulaAtherton.com. AND follow her on Facebook and twitter. You can also find her music at Amazon and iTunes…and everywhere else music is sold. Check out her Pandora channel!
And Dr. Mara on coping wtih crises and natural disasters, as we keep those in Florida in our thoughts…and those recovering from Harvey and the earthquake in Mexico.
Listen to the podcast right HERE!