Did you miss the show?   It was AWESOME and you can hear it all right here!


Addiction specialist, Amanda Miller, LSW, at AspenRidge North and AspenRidge Recovery in Denver, Colorado, joined us to talk about PTSD and the addiction connection, as well as the very effective treatment for PTSD – EMDR.  Find out more about Aspen Ridge by going to:  AspenRidgeRecovery.com

You can also call for information!  Call Donna in Admissions with any of your questions:  877-736-9727.

Amanda Miller, LSW


Art Mendoza, producer of this program, also joined us once more to give us a peek at what artists and musicians will be coming up in future programs.  And we listened to some original music of musical guests on the show.  

Art Mendoza
Accomplice Entertainment


And Dr. Mara on Expanding Our Minds Through Opening Our Hearts and Following Our Dharma!  


Listen to the podcast right HERE!