Missed the show?  It was AWESOME and inspiring!!  You can hear it all at the link below!


Artist, producer, director, Cara Perlman, of Seaperl Productions joined us from the East Coast to talk about her latest short films and about following her passion.  Watch Cara’s films on her Seaperl Productions YouTube channel.  Contact Cara directly at:  [email protected].

Cara Perlman Seaperl Productions

Cara Perlman
Seaperl Productions


Austin mucisian, Amber Lucille joined us to talk about her life in music…and we played some of her music.  Amber performs regularly around Austin.  Check out her full schedule of where she’s playing and listen to some of her original music at: AmberLucille.com.  Also, check out her music at: ReverbNation.com/AmberLucille.

Amber Lucille

Amber Lucille




Laura Gelezunas reported in from Puerto Vallarta to talk about the return of the retired winter visitors.  Find out about all of the events in Vallarta by going to: BanderasNews.com.  Check out Laura’s YouTube station.  Looking for a place to purchase in Vallarta?  Laura can help you: PuertoVallartaCondosForSale.com or e-mail her:  [email protected].

Laura Gelezunas www.BanderasNews.com www.PuertoVallartaCondosForSale.com

Laura Gelezunas


And Dr. Mara spoke about Coping with Stress/Preventing Depression during this stressful time in the world.



You can listen to the podcast right HERE!