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Broadcasting from the Frost Bank building in Austin, TX on a beautiful evening!
We were joined in the studio by Dr. Bruce Meleski, sleep wellness consultant and neurosensory performance specialist, of Intelligent Sleep, located in Austin, TX. We talked all about sleep and brain fitness. You can find out more about Dr. Meleski’s sleep coaching programs, in person, on-line, or even by phone, by going to www.IntelligentSleep.com or contact Dr. Meleski directly at: [email protected] or 512-431-8531. Also, check out their line of awesome products, articles about sleep, and their seminars! Intelligent Sleep has just opened their new store in Austin at 7415 Burnet Rd.
Dr. Bruce Meleski joined me in the studio.
[email protected]
We played the music of some of our favorite musicians that have been on this program and we gave a preview of some of the future artist that will be visiting us.
Also more about Following Your Dreams, in spite of the obstacles!
You can tune into the podcast all right HERE!