Missed the show? It was awesome! AND you can hear it all right here!! Yay!
Chief Executive Officer of Henson Consulting Group and Author, Cindy Henson, joined us from San Diego to talk about her new book, “Jungle: A Journey to Peace, Purpose, and Freedom.”
Cindy Henson
Chief Executive Officer of Henson Consulting Group and Author, “Jungle, Jungle: A Journey to Peace, Purpose, and Freedom”
Nearly two decades into her corporate career, Henson was awakened to a lifelong addiction to overworking and “taking one for the team” by a debilitating illness, which led her to the jungle of Costa Rica to pursue a master’s degree in International Peace and Conflict Studies from the United Nations-Affiliated, University for Peace. In her renewed approach to life, she integrates laughter, adventure, generosity, and love into all that she does – at work and in her personal life. She shares how nearly everyone can discover and authentically express their natural gifts and talents so that the world is continually transformed, as well.
Find out more about Cindy, her consulting group, and her book; purchase her book; and contact her at: www.HensonConsultingGroup.com. You can also purchase her book on Amazon.
Art Mendoza, musician and producer of this program, was on the air to tell us about the Red Arena Roundup benefit and other events around Austin, Texas.
And Dr. Mara on Self-Compassion!
A Mother’s Day message from Dr. Mara:
I want to wish ALL of the women out there a Happy Mother’s Day! That goes for those of you who have done the hard work of raising children, as well as those of you women who have nurtured the children of others: aunts, grandparents, sisters, teachers, mentors,…., and all of you women who have been there for your child-raising friends and relatives as moral support, and all of you women who have been nurturing the gentle creatures of the earth, and all of you women who have been nurturing the earth, and all of you women without children who have used your time to make this world a better place, obviously not for the benefit of your own children, but for the benefit of all of the children who are not yours. Happy Mother’s Day, Sisters!
Listen to the podcast right HERE!