Missed the show? Catch it all right here on podcast!
J. F. Benoist, Author, Speaker, and Director & Founder of The Exclusive Hawaii Addiction Treatment Center, joined us from Hawaii to discuss his new book, “Addicted to the Monkey Mind: Change the Programming That Sabotages Your Life.” Find out more about J.F. and The Exclusive Hawaii…also, if you’re a therapist, find out about becoming certified in his Experiential Engagement Therapy (he travels around the U.S. teaching AND has webinars you can take from the comfort of your own home), and order his book! Check out: JFBenoist.com and TheExclusiveHawaii.com!

J. F. Benoist
Director/Founder, The Exclusive Hawaii Addiction Treatment Center
Jose Sanchez called in from South Padre Island to talk about his life in music and living on South Padre. And we played some of his original music!! Download the music of Jose and his band, I Ching Gatos, right HERE! And follow them on Facebook to find out where you can see them perform!
Musician, Jose Sanchez
And a sneak peek into Dr. Mara’s book, The Passionate Life: Creating Vitality & Joy at Any Age, with a discussion about Finding Meaning.
Listen to the podcast right HERE!