Missed the show?  You can hear it all right here!


Joining us, once again, from Westchester, NY, Certified Integral Yoga Instructor and Occupational Therapist, Dara Kelly, M.S., OTR/L discussed “energy medicine,” what it is and some tips for emotional well-being…especially for the highly sensitive/empathic person.  How can we protect ourselves from being drained by the pain of others…so that we can give more to others and still have something left for our own happiness and health?  Listen and find out!  Dara is now doing one-to-one mentoring on-line, even long-distance and she is creating an on-line course about how to use intuition to improve your life.  Find out more about private consultations with Dara, her on-line course, and download her 3 free energy healing meditations by going to: DaraKelly.com.


Dara Steinberg, M.S., OTR/L, RYT 500 www.DaraTSteinberg.com

Dara Kelly, M.S., OTR/L, RYT 500


Laura Gelezunas reported in from the retirement paradise, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico to fill us in on what is going on with the whales and winter visitors.  There’s still a lot going on for retirees in Vallarta, with lots of volunteer opportunities, waters sports, social activities, yoga and meditation, entertainment, and learning new talents.  Find out what’s happening at BanderasNews.com.  Interested in buying a place for next high season?  Laura can help you.  Check out her website at:  PuertoVallartaCondosForSale.com

Laura Gelezunas www.BanderasNews.com www.PuertoVallartaCondosForSale.com

Laura Gelezunas


Video editor and singer Priscilla West was our guest artist sharing her passion in storytelling through video and songwriting/singing.  Check out some of her music videos on Facebook and on her YouTube Channel.

Priscilla West


And Dr. Mara discussed the Power of Humor for Healing!

laughing emoticon 


Listen to the podcast right HERE!