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Lecturer at University of Texas San Antonio, Educator for 20 years, Director of 21st Century Literacy, Josh Beach joined us, once again, to continue our discussion of his book, How Do You Know?, a look at how today’s citizens need to be able to understand  how to evaluate knowledge, peacefully debate knowledge, and productively use knowledge, for both personal decisions and public policy, especially in this “post-truth” era.  

Find out more about 21st Century Literacy, purchase his book, and find out more about Josh Beach and his other writings at:  www.JMBeach.com.  

Josh Beach

Josh Beach joined Dr. Mara in the studio.


Jessica Rubio, Deputy Political Director of Latino Victory, also joined us today from El Paso to talk about today’s march near El Paso, where the new tent city has been constructed to “house” children, regarding the damage caused by the separation of children from their families at the border.

Find out more about what’s happening with these children and how you can get involved to save the children at:  www.LatinoVictory.us.  Also, check out their Facebook page and check them out on Twitter!

Jessica Rubio
Latino Victory

Children at the Border

And Dr. Mara on the Statements Regarding Separating Children From Their Parents at the Border by the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association.


Musician, Rochelle Rabouin called in from Dallas to talk about children’s music and her new children’s book, The Loneliest Letters on Alphabet Road, available at Amazon.  Find out more about Rochelle, her CDs, her children’s books, and her Arts and Education programs/performances for children at: AIE*KidsGigs.

Rochelle Rabouin



Listen to the podcast right HERE