It was another AWESOME program!  If you missed it, you can listen right here:


Joining us, once again, from the New York Metropolitan Area….Writer, speaker, wellness coach, yoga coach, and rock-star of the mind-body wellness world, Quentin Vennie discussed how we can each transform our own lives to overcome obstacles to achieve mind and body well-being…and, more specifically, the benefits of Exercise for MOOD!

You can subscribe to Quentin’s Master Your Monday newsletter, watch his inspiring videos, read his blogs, find out about wellness coaching (he coaches locally, as well as long-distance!), and find out when Quentin’s new book and documentary are available….all by going to his website:



Paul Klemperer  joined us, once again, from right here in Austin to fill us in on what he’s been up to with his Sax!  AND we played some of his new original music!  If you’re here in Austin, you can see Paul and the other jazz musicians he jams with at Kick Butt Coffee on Airport Blvd. every first and second Tues. of the month with his jazz jams.  You can also see Paul perform every Wed. evening at the Skylark Lounge.  In August, Paul will be touring around New England to perform.  Check out his performance calendar, download his music, and find out when his new CD is out, by going to:

Paul Klemperer

Paul Klemperer


Laura Gelezunas reported in from the retirement paradise south of the border, Puerto Vallarta, MX.  It’s hot right now, but the retirees are still busy with all sorts of charities, yoga, meditation, and water sports.  The Friday Foodies meet every week at a restaurant to socialize and summer sailing camp starts soon!  You can find out everything that’s going on in Vallarta and the surrounding area by going to: (it’s updated daily).  This is also the perfect time of year to check out housing for next “high season” (winter)!  Check out Laura’s real estate videos and blogs with real estate tips by going to:  If you’re interested in buying a condo or other real estate, Laura can help you with that.  Check out her new website:

Laura Gelezunas

Laura Gelezunas


And Dr. Mara discussed some tips for how to love our selves just a little more!

Keep Calm and Love Yourself

Listen to the podcast right HERE!