Missed the program?  You can hear the podcast right here:

Joining us, once again, from Westchester, NY, Certified Integral Yoga Instructor and Occupational Therapist, Dara Kelly, M.S., OTR/L joined us to talk about stress management and self-care.  Listen to the podcast and find out what happens to the body when in a constant state of stress and what practices we can use to counteract stress.  Research shows that making time to de-stress helps to make us healthier AND more productive.

Find out about more about Dara Kelly, her workshops and one-to-one sessions (even via telephone, if you’re not in Westchester), and sign up for a free 20-minute on-line meditation, by going to DaraKelly.com.  

Dara Steinberg, M.S., OTR/L, RYT 500 www.HeartOfWisdomHealing.com

Dara Steinberg, M.S., OTR/L, RYT 500


It’s always a pleasure to have on our program the musical duo, RagTop, who joined us from Roanoke, VA!!  You can purchase their music, watch their music videos, and find out their performance schedule by going to www.MyRagTop.com.  Also, “LIKE” them on Facebook/MyRagTop.




Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., whose birthday we are celebrating this weekend, said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?'”  It was only fitting to have on this evening’s show a man who is constantly doing for others!!  A regular to the program, veteran, First Sgt Will Williams joined us to talk about all of the great organizations and volunteer activities he is involved with that you can also be part of.  The newest is helping animals with free pet clinics.  Find out what volunteer activities are going on and sign up to be a volunteer, by going to: www.ShareTheWill.org.  We also spoke to Marine Corporal Goodly, who just returned home to Texas.  Send me a message ([email protected]) to give a shout out to Corporal Goodly and I will pass it along to him!

First Sgt. Will Williams. ShareTheWill@gmail.com WilliamWill47@gmail.com HeroesNightOut.org ShareTheWill.com

First Sgt. Will Williams.
[email protected]
[email protected]

AND…the power of FORGIVENESS!

Happy Birthday, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Happy Birthday, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Listen  podcast right HERE!