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Leadership Coach and a Professional Speaker, Ann Fry, joined us live in the Austin studio to talk about how to activate Change, Regeneration, and ReInvention…in our lives…and in our work. Find out more about Ann, her reinvention coaching, and her executive coaching, check out her website: AnnFry.com. Having survived cancer and cancer treatment, Ann Fry also coaches about thriving after cancer. Check out her free e-book and her seminars: Cancer-360.com.
Austin Artist, Greta Olivas, joined us to talk about her artwork and what inspires her. Check out some of her artwork, her upcoming art shows, and her workshops for artists and non-artists to tap into your creativity: GretaOlivas.com. Follow her on Facebook for latest updates! One of Greta’s paintings will be displayed at the People’s Gallery in City Hall, Austin. The opening reception is on Feb. 24!
Candace Aylor, Vice Chair & Parent Representative of the Texas Health and Human Services Behavioral Health Advisory Committee, joined us from here in Austin to give us an update on some of the latest news regarding “the bathroom bill” and it’s effects on children’s mental health, as well as other issues affecting the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. There will be a meeting to get involved in protecting our youth on April 28. You can find out more information HERE!
And more on sleep and mood!
Listen to the podcast right HERE!