Happy Mother’s Day!! Missed the program? It was GREAT! You can hear it all right here on podcast!
And you can ALSO listen on Apple podcasts right HERE!
We were joined by Alistair Hawkes, Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Clarity Breathwork specialist. Alistair specializes in helping therapists prevent burnout. She discussed what she learned from the experts presenters for preventing burnout and increasing self-care at her recent on-line Summit for therapists, caregivers, and others in the service professions. And she let us know about her upcoming 45-minute FREE Masterclass to learn a simple technique to prevent burnout and to recover from burnout. This class is open to anyone and you can find out more and sign up for the class right here: FREE Masterclass. Take your free Burnout Checkup right: HERE. And learn about the more in-depth 8-week program for recovering from Burnout right, meant for therapists, parents, caregivers, and everyone else…right HERE.
Alistair is a burnout specialist, offering 1-to-1 coaching in her Colorado office and on-line, she offers group coaching, and she’s available for speaking engagements. Find out more about her and contact her at: AlistairMHawkes.com.
And for Mother’s Day, Dr. Mara spoke about another lesson in her social media series and blog series “Lessons from Mom.”
The Passionate Life
NOW available on Audible