Missed the show? It was great! And you can hear it all right here!
You can also hear it on Apple podcasts right HERE!
We were joined by Pat Duckworth in the U.K. Pat is a Women’s Health Strategist specializing at working with businesses and organizations who are committed to supporting women colleagues and she’s the Founder of Smarter Menopause. She discussed her book, Menopause: Mind the Gap – The Value of Supporting Women’s Wellness in the Workplace. Find out more about Pat, her workshops, coaching, books, and her radio show, Hot Women Rock Radio Show, all at PatDuckworth.com.
Pat Duckworth
We were also joined by the Twins in Banderas Bay Mexico, Ruben & Minerva, for a chance to get to know more about them, as they hit a milestone in their lives….and as we get ready for more Mexico travel ideas for 2022.
Minerva and Ruben in Bay of Banderas, Mexico
Also, Dr. Mara with more about what it means to live a more passionate life. And some the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, in memory of the Vietnamese Buddhist Monk who was a master of passionate living and of living from the purpose of creating a better world.
(And NEWS for the New Year: The Passionate Life is now available on Audible! )
Listen to the podcast right HERE! And on Apple podcasts right HERE!