Happy New Year!  We were back live with our first show of 2024!  And it was another GREAT one! 

Listen to the podcast right here!

And you can ALSO listen on Apple podcasts right HERE

Elder justice expert, Marie-Therese (MT) Connolly joined us from Washington, D.C., for a discussion on Ageism in the healthcare system, elder justice, and her new book, The Measure of Our AgeMT is a leading national expert on elder justice who was awarded a MacArthur “genius” grant for her work that has shaped policy, research, and practice for decades. She was the architect of the federal Elder Justice Act, founding head of DOJ’s Elder Justice Initiative (that helped to shape the 2015 White House Conference on Aging, National Center on Elder Abuse priorities), lead author of the Elder Justice Roadmap, and co-designer of the new community-based RISE model, a new holistic advocacy-based, harm reduction program for older people.

Find out more about MT Connolly and her book at:  MTConnolly.com.  And you can purchase her book, The Measure of Our Agewherever books are sold, online and in stores!  Find out more about the RISE model, an elder abuse intervention. 

Here are some of the resources mentioned by MT for consumers (older adults and their loved ones) for help with better quality of care in nursing homes, long-term care/home and community based services:

HHS website to compare nursing homes and home care agencies:


See you next time!



The Passionate Life
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