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Robert Signore, President of Thrive Pavilion, was unable to make, this time, it due to weather-related travel hiccups, but he’ll be joining us on a later date. Instead, Linda Fisher, a member of Thrive, joined to talk about her experience over the years, participating in this senior community that is based entirely in virtual reality. Thrive provides numerous social activities in the metaverse for seniors, which helps to combat isolation while improving their physical and mental well-being. The virtual reality Thrive Pavilion community has grown to include hundreds of seniors from around the globe. You can find out more about it and how to become a part of the community by going to ThrivePavilion.org.
Robert Signore
President, Thrive Pavilion
Linda Fisher
Thrive Pavilion
And Dr. Mara with living with passion while advocating for our senior loved ones.
The Passionate Life
NOW available on Audible