Dr. Mara’s latest blog in Passive Asset on Medium:  

Customer, Serve Us

Or How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Read HERE:  

“When we believe there is not enough, that resources are scarce, then we accept that some will have what they need, and some will not. We rationalize that someone is destined to end up with the short end of the stick.”Lynne TwistThe Soul of Money: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Life

As we emerge from our isolation, consumers beware.   Predatory tactics of businesses and our consumerism appear to be “on steroids,” with the latter appearing to fuel the former, making us more vulnerable to their ploys.

Yes, everyone appears to be trying to make a buck.

Read more HERE….

And check out Dr. Mara’s Internationally Best Selling Book, The Passionate Life: Creating Vitality & Joy at Any Age, now available on Kindle AND in Paperback!  ALSO coming soon to Audible!!
