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Vietnam War veteran, Zen Buddhist monk, Founder of the Zaltho Foundation, and author of Bringing Meditation to Lifeand At Hell’s Gate: A Soldier’s Journey From War to Peace, Claude AnShin Thomas returned to the show to give us some guidance to creating inner peace and peace in the world in this time of war and violence.
The Zaltho Foundation is helping refugees from Ukraine, as well as people still in Ukraine, and Claude is going there to help this summer. Find out more about the Zaltho Foundation and how you can help with this, as well as with the many ways they are helping veterans, including helping service animals, by going to: Zaltho.org. You can also find out more about Claude and his books, download free meditations, and contact Claude directly with a question at that same website! ALSO, be sure to connect with the Zaltho Foundation on Facebook and Instagram!!! We look forward to having Claude back on the show again very soon!!
Claude Anshin Thomas
We also heard from the Twins, Ruben and Minerva, down at Bay Of Banderas to let us know about another travel destination in Mexico.
Minerva and Ruben in Bay of Banderas, Mexico
Also, Dr. Mara began a discussion about recognizing depression in later life. Stay tuned for more on this, as well as preventing depression and creating more passion in our lives, no matter our age.
The Passionate Life
NOW available on Audible