October 2022: Interview about “The Passionate Life” by Ottawa Book Expo
On October 17, 2022, Dr. Mara was interviewed by the Ottawa Book Expo about her book, The Passionate Life: Creating Vitality & Joy at Any Age. You can now watch the YouTube video of this interview or listen to the podcast right here!
Watch Dr. Mara Interviewed by Author, Henery X, on IGTV!
I had a great time being interviewed by, author, Henery X on live Instagram TV! Watch it HERE! And next month Henery joins me on my podcast, to discuss his book and celebrate his birthday!!
March 20, 2020: CANCELLED: Live Videotaping of “Dr. Mara Karpel & Your Golden Years”
Join us to be an audience member for a live videotaping of “Dr. Mara Karpel & Your Golden Years” at the SXSW music festival, March 20.
January 15, 2020: Dr. Mara Interviewed by G. Brian Benson for Awake TV about Living a Passionate Life
Dr. Mara was interviewed by G. Brian Benson, host of the Awake TV show, “Be Yourself to Free Yourself,” about living a passionate life.
August 18, 2019: Kerri Hummingbird Interviewed Dr. Mara on Soul Nectar Show!
Check out Kerri Hummingbird’s interview of Dr. Mara on Soul Nectar Show!!
April 11, 2019: FB Live Video – The Magic of Generosity, My Meditation Challenge, & The 4 Pillars of Living a Magical and Passionate Life
Here is another Facebook Live video, the fourth in my series about the pain and the magic of living a Passionate Life. This time, the topic: The Magic of Generosity and How is it Different from Compassion? You can watch it right HERE on Facebook! You can...

Speaking Engagements
Arrange to have Dr. Karpel speak to your organization. Many groups, communities, and companies have benefited from having insights into the process of aging and the care involved.