If you missed tonight’s show, you can hear it right here:  http://podcast.talkradio1370am.com/kjcea2/4030349.mp3.

Very interesting show!  Licensed Acupuncturist, Justin Phillips, spoke about what acupuncture is and how it can be beneficial.  You can learn more about acupuncture and make an appointment with Justin by going to his website:  http://www.stonegatewellness.com/.  You can also e-mail Justin:  [email protected] OR call him:  512-673-0617.

Contact Justin for more information & to make an appointment: http://www.stonegatewellness.com/; [email protected]; 512-673-0617

Violinist, Johnny Arco joined us from along his U.S. Tour. to talk about what he’s doing….and he is doing A LOT.  In addition to performing around the country and recording music, Johnny is working on a very interesting project in helping to reform education in the arts.  You can find out more about this project, find out where you can see Johnny playing,  & buy his recordings by  going to:  http://johnnyarco.com/.



AND I spoke about the health benefits of friendships as we grow older AND the benefits of establishing intergenerational friendships.