May 22, 2022:  Dr. Juliet Bruce – Storytelling for Healing During a Time of So Much Loss; Dr. Mara with More on Late-Life Depression – It’s Important to Treat

May 22, 2022: Dr. Juliet Bruce – Storytelling for Healing During a Time of So Much Loss; Dr. Mara with More on Late-Life Depression – It’s Important to Treat

Dr. Juliet Bruce is a writer and healing story practitioner in New York City. Since 1994, working within the frameworks of ancient myth and improvisational writing, she has helped hundreds of contemporary individuals, families, and communities find their inspired way...
November 14, 2021:  Annette Simmons, “Drinking from a Different Well: How Women’s Stories Change What Power Means in Action,” & Dr. Mara on Passionate Living While Caregiving

November 14, 2021: Annette Simmons, “Drinking from a Different Well: How Women’s Stories Change What Power Means in Action,” & Dr. Mara on Passionate Living While Caregiving

Missed the show?  It was great!!  But, no worries because you can hear it all right here: And on Apple podcasts right HERE!   Keynote speaker, consultant and author, Annette Simmons, joined us to discuss her latest book,  Drinking from a Different Well: How...