I want to first congratulate Snoop, who has brought his magic to Talk 1370 and spread it to my radio show!!  Snoop is  now spinning the tunes on the NEW R&B 96.3 Austin!  Congratulations, Snoop!!  We will miss you, but you deserve this!! Best of luck!  Looking forward to your visits to the show!!  AND WELCOME to Chris Sanchez, who will now control the booth and make the show run smoothly!!

Snoop said everything was a thumbs up!

This Sunday, August 11, I will be on the road and we will be re-running ONE of my  most exciting shows!  OK…they’re all pretty exciting, in my opinion, but this one was one of those rare opportunities that doesn’t come my way every Sunday!!  Read below to find out why it was so exciting!  And listen to the live-stream/podcast at the end of this post.  AND…Be sure to tune in NEXT Sunday, Aug. 18, when I will be broadcasting LIVE FROM NYC!  More info on that next week!

OK, so…..tune in this Sunday, August 11, @ 7pm CT/8pm Eastern (or on the web all week at this website) when we will play an encore of my interview with best-selling author, weekly contributor to The Huffington Post, host of a weekly talk show on Hay House Radio , and an internationally renowned success coach, one of my favorites, Michael Neill.  In this interview, Michael talked about his latest book, “The Inside Out Revolution:  The Only Thing You Need to Know to Change Your Life Forever.”  This book is quite different from his other books, as well as other self-help books.  I highly recommend it and I highly recommend this interview!!

Internationally renowned success coach and author of “The Inside-Out Revolution,” Michael Neill.
www.hayhouseradio.com; www.insideoutrevolution.com; www.supercoach.com.


Also, we will play my interview with mariachi singer and violinist, Emilio D. Santos Zermeno, who joined me from McAllen, TX.  Emilio spoke about his musical history, including his experience of singing with the great Mariachi singer, Vicente Fernandez.

Mariachi musician, Emilio D. Santos, performs with Mariachi 7 Leguas: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mariachi-7-Leguas/143883314796?ref=ts&sk=wall.


AND… Laura Gelezunas joins us from Puerto Vallarta, MX, the retirement paradise south of the border.