Happy Veteran’s Day! Thank You to All who have and are currently serving in our armed forces!!
If you missed the show, you can hear it all right here!
We were joined by Julie Saeger Nierenberg, MA Ed, freelance writer and editor, lifelong educator and artist, to discuss her new book, published with Victoria Brewster, MSW. Journey’s End: Death, Dying and the End of Life, a collection of 54 perspectives on death and dying. Writing and publishing in this heart-led direction, Julie hopes to contribute to a cultural shift in how we prepare ourselves and support others for the final chapter of life. Find out more about Julie and Victoria, about the book, and purchase the book at: www.JourneysEndBooks.com. And it’s also available on Kindle and in paperback on Amazon!
Dr. Mara on Honoring Veteran’s Day by Committing to Create Peace…within ourselves, in our relationships, in our communities, and beyond. By the way, November 13 is World Kindness Day! Commit to a random act of kindness on Tuesday and be part of the PEACE you want to see in the world!
Mr. Arturo Mendoza, Art Mendoza’s (producer of this show) dad, & Mr. Theodore Karpel, Dr. Mara’s dad, Thank You for your service in WWII, which was believed to be “the war to end all wars.”
And another sneak peek into Dr. Mara’s book, The Passionate Life: Creating Vitality & Joy at Any Age.