Missed the show?  It was awesome and you can hear it all right here!


Long-time Boston Globe Economics and Finance reporter, former reporter for The Economist, AND current researcher for the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, Kimberly Blanton joined us, once again from Boston. On this program, Kim what what we all need to know about preparing for retirement, whether it’s coming up soon or not for a long time!  Kim helped to demystify and take away some of the fear, while encouraging us all to, no matter our age, to find out what we need to do to improve our retirement situation.  There are things we can do, if we’re willing to look at the numbers, rather than hiding our head in the sand.   

Read Kim’s extremely informative and interesting blog about retirement and finance by going to: SquaredAwayBlog.BC.edu.  Be sure to sign up for e-mail notifications about new blogs.

Kimberly Blanton, Researcher for the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. www.squaredawayblog.bc.edu

Kimberly Blanton,
Researcher for the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College.


Also Renee and Jim Oliphant, the musical duo – RagTop,  joined us and talk with us about their latest adventures and music.  Ragtop just released their second CD.  You can download their music, buy their CDs, watch their videos, and find out when and where they are playing all by going to: MyRagtop.com.  Also, check out their fan page on Facebook!




And Dr. Mara discussed Caring for the Caregiver:  Preventing Burnout and “Compassion Fatigue.”

©M. Karpel, 2017

©M. Karpel, 2017


You can listen to the podcast right HERE!