It was another GREAT program!  And, if you missed it, you can hear the podcast right here!

And you can ALSO listen on Apple podcasts right HERE


Stephanie McAuliffe is a speaker, coach, and author of The Impact of Silence: Self Mastery Practices for Womenand The Message in the Bottle: Finding Hope and Peace Amidst the Chaos of Living with an Alcoholic.  She is founder of The Way of the Diamond Warrior. Through her speaking, writing, and coaching, Stephanie teaches about the impact of our subconscious patterns to heal layers of trauma through setting boundaries and to live a life free of the constructs that have held us back.   Stephanie joined us to discuss how and why to set boundaries as a caregiver!  She talked about setting boundaries for yourself for your own personal wellness as a caregiver, setting boundaries with your loved one/care receiver, setting boundaries with family members, and setting boundaries with healthcare providers.  And she talked about WHY this is so important.

Find out more about Stephanie and her Way of the Diamond Warrior coaching and trauma healing, find out about her books, and read her blogs, all at:    


And Dr. Mara continued with the journey to empower caregivers while navigating the ageist healthcare system.