Missed tonight’s show?  You can hear it on the podcast at the bottom of this post!

Certified Group Psychotherapist, Stacy Watkins, M.Ed, LPC, CGP, joined me in the studio to discuss Women, Food, and Body Image!!  And she spoke about the benefits of group therapy and group support.  You can join Stacy’s third-annual, 10-week group:  WOMEN, FOOD AND THE HOLIDAYS, Sundays from 1:30 to 3:00pm beginning on November 10th.  Hurry up!!  Space is limted!  Find out more by going to:   http://www.therapyinsession.net/.  Or you can contact Stacy directly at: [email protected]  AND 512-484-8848.

Certified Group Psychotherapist, Stacy Watkins, M.Ed, LPC, CGP
[email protected]

Stacy Watkins joined me in the studio to discuss Women, Food, & Body Image.


Stacy also joined me in discussing social resistance to your healthier lifestyle.

And, Austin’s singer/songwriter/musician, Sharon Bourbonnais joined us to talk about some exciting things that have been happening since her last time on the show.  This includes some gigs that she and her band received BECAUSE of their last appearance on this show!  Watch Sharon perform on the piano with saxophonist, Mark Wilson, at The Driskill Hotel in Austin, TX on Monday, Sept. 23, 6-8pm.  Also, Sharon has been in the studio, along with her band, recording the CD she’s been dreaming of recording for many years.  It looks like it will be ready by November.  You can keep up with it’s progress and help sponsor the mastering of the CD, through kickstarter.com, by going to:  http://www.reverbnation.com/sharonbourbonnais and by following her group on FB:  https://www.facebook.com/TresBourbonnais.

Sharon Bourbonnais