If you missed the show, you can listen to the podcast right here! It was another great one!
Memory specialist, neurologist, and Director of the Taste and Smell Disorders Clinic in Lakeway, TX, Dr. Ronald Devere, joined us, along with Marjorie Calvert, of the Four Seasons Hotel, Austin, and Food Consultant at the Taste and Smell Disorders Clinic. Dr. Devere and Marjorie Calvert are co-authors of, “Navigating Smell and Taste Disorders.” You can find out more about smell and taste disorders, order their book, and make an appointment at the Taste and Smell Disorders Clinic in Lakeway, TX, by going to: www.TasteSmell.com, by calling: 512-261-7909; or by e-mailing Dr. Devere at: [email protected]. Their book is also available at Amazon.
Marjorie Calvert and Dr. Ron Devere joined me in the studio to talk about Smell and Taste Disorders
Betty Streckfuss, of the Texas Silver Haired Legislature, joined us once again, this time to talk about Medicare Open Enrollment, which is October 15 through December 17. In addition, she let us know that this week is National Medicare Education Week. You can find out more about signing up for Medicare and about Medicare Open Enrollment, as well as find numerous phone numbers and websites with lots more information, by going to: www.NMEWcom. You can also call your local Area Agency on Aging or AARP office for more information. Also, check out the Medicare information page on Facebook: www.Facebook.com/MedicareMadeClear.
Betty Streckfuss
Texas Silver Haired Legislature
Singer, songwriter, musician, and Producer of this show, Art Mendoza, of Accomplice Entertainment, joined us on THIS side of the microphone to tell us about his upcoming musical production, “Backwards on Purpose,” and we played some of his original music from the production. You can keep up with this production, as well as everything else that Art is doing, by going to: Backwards On Purpose and Accomplice Entertainment on Facebook.
Producer, Singer/Songwriter/Musician, Art Mendoza, of Accomplice Entertainment, and his new music production,
“Backwards on Purpose”
AND …I spoke about Mindfulness Meditation for Mind & Body Wellness. “Every breath we take, every step we make, can be filled with peace, joy, and serenity. We need only to be awake, alive in the present moment.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
Tune in right here at THIS LINK to listen to the podcast of the whole show!