Missed the show? It was GREAT and you can hear it all right here!
And also at Apple Podcasts!
We were joined from Minnesota by social worker, writer, meditation teacher, and author of The Zen Path Through Depression, Phil Martin. Phil joined us to discuss The Zen Path Through this difficult time. Find out more about Phil Marin, read his blogs, and download his guided meditations all right here: TheZenPath.com.
Phil Martin
The Zen Path Through
The Zen Path Through post about the interview!
We also were joined by friends of the show, Renee and Jim Oliphant, of the musical duo RagTop, to let us know what they’ve been doing during this down time in music. They are now performing on FB Lives weekly, as well as at some outdoor socially-distanced venues in and around Roanoke, VA. Find out where they’re playing, watch their FB Live concerts and previous streaming events, watch their videos, and download their music all at: MyRagTop.com.
Renee & Jim Oliphant, RagTop
And Dr. Mara with more on living with passion during this pandemic.