Missed the show??  No worries!  You can listen right here:  


South Padre Island, TX

South Padre Island, TX


Sandy Feet (Lucinda Wierenga), Me, & Aarin Hartwell (One Day in the Lower Rio Grande Valley) on the balcony of The Sandbox Inn of South Padre Island (www.SandyFeet.com)

Sandy Feet (Lucinda Wierenga), Me, & Aarin Hartwell (One Day in the Lower Rio Grande Valley) on the balcony of The Sandbox Inn of South Padre Island (www.SandyFeet.com)

The show was broadcast LIVE from the Sandbox Inn of South Padre Island, just 1/2 block away from the beach!  Owner/operator, Sandy Feet, is also a World Champion Sandcastle Artist.  You can stay at the inn, enjoy her beautiful sand sculptures, and get a free lesson while you’re there, between jaunts to the beach!  You can find out more about staying at this beautiful inn by going to: www.SandyFeet.com.


Kimberanne Weaver Local Long-Term Care Ombudsman Iowa Dept of Aging www.IowaAging.gov www.LifeLongLinks.org

Kimberanne Weaver
Local Long-Term Care Ombudsman
Iowa Dept of Aging

I was joined by Long Term Care Ombudsman of the Iowa Dept on Aging, Kim Weaver, to talk about this very important, Federally-mandated program of “Senior Advocates,” developed as a result of the Older Americans Act.  Kim let us know what a Long Term Care Ombudsman is and how they may be helpful to you or your loved one.  You can find out more information about this program and how to find a Long Term Care Ombudsman in your area, by going to: www.ltcombudsman.org.


Kyle Ruddick Founder/Director One Day on Earth www.OneDayOnEarth.org www.Facebook.com/OneDayOnEarth www.yourdayyourcity.org

Kyle Ruddick
One Day on Earth

Aarin Hartwell One Day in the Lower RGV www.OneDayInLGV.org

Aarin Hartwell
One Day in the Lower RGV

Founder/Director of the global media project, “One Day on Earth,” Kyle Ruddick, joined us to talk about this amazing event that is occurring for 24 hours on April 26, while Aarin Hartwell joined us LIVE at the Sandbox Inn to talk about the Lower Rio Grande Valley’s involvement in this huge project.  You can learn more about this global project, how to participate, how to watch, by going to: www.OneDayOnEarth.org or by going to: www.YourDayYourCity.org.  Find out more about how to be a part of, or watch the finished product of, the Lower Rio Grande Valley’s involvement in this global project by going to: www.OneDayinLRGV.org.


Paul Klemperer of Manteca Beat www.pksax.com

Paul Klemperer of Manteca Beat

Jazz saxophone player, Paul Klemperer, joined us from Austin, TX, to talk about his various music projects, including Manteca Beat, and we played some of his original music.  You can purchase one of Paul’s CD’s, find out where he is playing, and take some of Paul’s music lessons/get some tips, by going to: www.PKSax.com.


Our high-tech studio at the Sandbox Inn. I am getting prepared to go on-air and Art Mendoza (Accomplice Entertainment) prepares to produce the show.

Our high-tech studio at the Sandbox Inn. I am getting prepared to go on-air and Art Mendoza (Accomplice Entertainment) prepares to produce the show.

I also spent some time discussing a caregiver’s bad day….how to prevent it from getting worse and how to turn it around.

The entire show can be heard right here at THIS LINK!