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Jenny Loehr
[email protected]; [email protected]
I was joined in my Austin studio by the Director of the Rehabilitation program at the Querencia at Barton Creek, speech language therapist, author, and yoga instructor, Jenny Loehr. Jenny spoke about Dementia and her new book, “Here’s How To Treat Dementia”, now available at Amazon. Jenny also spoke about the benefits of Yoga for everyone, as well as for people with Dementia. You can find out more about her book, about the rehabilitation program at the Querencia, and about CCRC communities, such as the Querencia, by e-mailing Jenny: [email protected] or [email protected]. You can also join in with one of Jenny’s yoga classes here in Austin, TX, at YogaYoga. Find out the schedule and look for “Jenny L.” or any of the other great classes, by going to: YogaYoga.com.
Joe and Rosa Perez joined us from Brownsville, TX, to talk about their Border Roots project, bring attention to the culture and music from just North of the Border. We listened to some of their original tunes. You can learn more about their Border Roots project and you can listen to their NPR radio show, “North of The Border,” streamed from KMBH in the Rio Grande Valley (Fridays @ 12:30pm & Saturdays @ 11:00am), by going to: www.Rumboalanacua.com.
Laura Gelezunas reported in from the retirement paradise SOUTH of the border, Puerto Vallarta. Laura told us that there’s a lot going on in Vallarta, even as many of the winter visitors pack up to go home, including a lot of music of all sorts! You can find out more about what’s going on in Vallarta by going to: BanderasNews.com. You can also check out Laura’s video news series about life in Vallarta by going to: YouTube.com/TVPuertoVallarta.
And I spoke about the importance of finding meaning in our lives, throughout our lives, by becoming passionately involved in activities.
Learn more by listening to the show. The entire show can be heard right here at THIS LINK.