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Larry Godwin has struggled with depression and the after effects of child abuse most of his adult life. He has written Transcending Depression: Quest Without a Compass and Surviving Our Parents’ Mistakes: Healing the Scars from Childhood Mistreatment in order to assist others who face these issues and to help them improve and save their lives.
Larry joined us for our first live show to discuss his books.
Find out more about Larry and about his books, request a free copy of his Depression Survival Guide, and sample chapters of Transcending Depression and Surviving Our Parents’ Mistakes, as well as send him questions at: www.Larry-Godwin.com. These two books and his latest book, Table For One: Reflections on Self-Esteem, Emotions, Making Friends, and Romantic Love for a Sensitive Single Person, are all available on Amazon (and on special order from bookstores).
Author, Larry Godwin
And Dr. Mara with more on reconnecting to passion and joy as we emerge from a pandemic.