Getting Back Up From the Mat, Equanimity, & Following My North Star

Dr. Mara’s latest blog in Ariana Huffington’s
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I recently celebrated a birthday and, as I have been reflecting on my 57th revolution around the sun, I’ve come to a few conclusions about what I want from life going forward, in spite of hiccups that I might encounter.  For one thing, life is way too short to beat myself up for mistakes I might have made in the past and time that I feel I’ve wasted.  And, really, were they really mistakes or a waste of time?  Perhaps, they were transformative moments that helped me to make quantum leaps forward toward my dreams or, perhaps, they were clarifying moments, helping me to better define what it is that I truly want.  These are then neither mistakes nor time wasted, that is, if I can use them to propel myself in the direction of joy and passion, helping others along the way, and ultimately becoming a change agent in the world. 
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Check out Dr. Mara’s new Internationally Best Selling Book, The Passionate Life: Creating Vitality & Joy at Any Age, now available on Kindle AND in Paperback!

And check out all of Dr. Mara’s blogs in Thrive Global right HERE!