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Larry Rice, Director of Business Development of Reliant Austin Rehabilitation Hospital, along with the CEO of Reliant Austin, Vidette Forbes, joined us in our virtual studio to talk about their brand new physical rehabilitation facility in Austin, TX, what they do, and the benefits of their inpatient rehabilitation program instead of rehabilitation at a skilled nursing facility. Check out: www.ReliantAustin.com or go to their national website for information about a Reliant near you: www.ReliatnHCP.com. You can also find out more information by calling: 512-730-4800.
Vidette Forbes and Larry Rice of Reliant Austin joined me in the studio. www.ReliantAustin.com; www.ReliantHCP.com 512-730-4800
The very talented singer/songwriter, Curly Karen Schleifer, who has been in music since performing in the Broadway production of Annie when she was a child, joined us from her home in Brooklyn to talk about her upcoming big move to Colorado and we played some of her original music! Curly Karen will be performing for the last time prior to her move at the Funk Open Jam at Funkadelic Studios on 40th St, between 7th and 8th Ave, in NYC. That will be Saturday, Aug. 9, 8pm to 12am ET. After her big move, Curly Karen will be performing her first gig in CO at The Stage Stop in Rollinsville, CO on Sept. 6, 8-11pm MT. Curly Karen will also be posting YouTube videos of little mini-concerts for all of her fans, which she will record daily on the road from NYC to Colorado. Check out her YouTube concerts, her schedule of performances, samples of her music, and buy her CD’s…all right here: www.CurlyKaren.com. You can also purchase downloads of Curly Karen’s music, find out more about her music, and find out about her upcoming gigs at: www.reverbnation.com.
Laura Gelezunas reported in from the retirement paradise south of the border, Puerto Vallarta, MX! Laura let us know that Vallarta is #2 in the world for Medical Tourism. People are flocking to Vallarta to have dental work, plastic surgery, cutting edge cancer treatments, and weight control treatments. The doctors in Vallarta receive the same training as doctors here in the U.S. It’s recommended, though, that, before receiving treatment with any doctor in Mexico, as well as in your home town in the U.S., do your research about the doctor or dentist. There are on-line bulletin boards where you can post your questions to other Americans in Vallarta about their experiences with doctors and dentists and for recommendations/referrals. Beginning in August, Laura will be starring in a new on-line television show, called Recipes and Real Estate. You can watch Laura cook a meal in the kitchen of a house that is for sale, along with her helpful “Kitchenettes.” You can check out these YouTube videos for T.V. Puerto Vallarta, find out more about medical tourism, check out the bulletin boards, and find out everything that’s happening for retirees in Vallarta….all at the same place: www.BanderasNews.com.
I spoke about the power of forgiveness…for your own health…how to forgive others/how to forgive yourself.
Tune in right here at THIS LINK to listen to the podcast of the whole show!