Happy Labor Day Weekend!!

Did you miss the show?  It was great!  But, no worries because you can her the podcast right here!

And you can ALSO listen on Apple podcasts right HERE!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
 We were joined by Cantor Michael Zoosman, a former Jewish prison chaplain and current multi-faith federal hospital chaplain and Advisory Board Member of Death Penalty Action.  Cantor Zoosman joined us to discuss his group, “L’chaim! Jews Against the Death Penalty.”  This is a group of roughly 1500 individuals from across the world who identify as Jewish or with the Jewish abolitionist cause to finally bring an end to the death penalty in the United States and throughout the world, many of whom are descendants of Holocaust survivors. L’Chaim! advocates daily for an end to capital punishment. 
Even if you don’t live in a state where the death penalty is legal, the Federal Government still executes people regularly.  Did you know that 1 in 10 prisoners on death row are veterans with untreated PTSD?  Did you know that research has found that the death penalty has zero correlation with deterring violent crimes??  Learn more about this at Friends of Veteran John Theusen on Twitter
You can learn more information from research studies about the death penalty and the reasons WHY it should be abolished by logging into DeathPenaltyInfo.org, the Death Penalty Information Center.  The first step is understanding the facts.  Also, find out about the humanity of the prisoners who are sitting on death row, learn their stories, at:  The Death Row Soul Collective.
And then take action, through signing petitions, writing letters, and donating at:  DeathPenaltyAction.org.
The Facebook action group, L’Chaim! Jews Against the Death Penalty, is open to all who are interested in abolishing the death penalty.

L’chaim! Jews Against the Death Penalty

Art Mendoza, of Accomplice Entertainment and producer of this program, filled us in a bit about the latest things happening in music and with Accomplice Entertainment.

Art Mendoza
Accomplice Entertainment



Also Dr. Mara with more about living a more passionate life no matter our age!