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Let’s make 2019 the year of living a more Passionate Life! And let’s start with the number one ingredient, COMPASSION! Our first show of 2019 was completely dedicated to compassion!
Author, Tammy Lee Schumacher, started it off with a discussion of self-compassion and her new Bestselling book, The Second Start: Finding Joy in the New You. Tammy is a life coach, Joy expert, and founder of Transform Into Joy. Find out more about Tammy’s coaching to help you find more joy in your life and in your relationships and purchase a copy of her book at: www.TransformIntoJoy.com.
The discussion of compassion continued with a discussion of Compassion at the Border and of compassion toward those not in our own circles or “tribes,” in general. For this discussion, Dr. Mara was joined by Sister Carol DeAngelo of the Sisters of Charity of New York and Director of Office of Peace, Justice, and Integrity of Creation, along with John Alexander of the Ignatian Volunteer Corp, who has accompanied people facing deportation as part of the New Sanctuary Coalition NYC, and Bill Hurley, Sisters of Charity Associate and Co-Chair of the Immigration Task Force.
What they are doing to show compassion for the migrants, as well as the personal benefits of having compassion, along with the benefits to the wider community, were discussed. An essential ingredient of Living a Passionate Life is that of having COMpassion!
In addition, there was a discussion of how we can increase our own compassion, which is sometimes painful to do, but worth it for all of the benefits. One way is to get to know people unlike ourselves in order to understand their stories. Self-care, as Tammy discussed at the start, is very important, so that we have don’t develop compassion fatigue and burn out.
If you’re interested in educating yourself about the stories of those who are seeking asylum at the border, as well as helping with humanitarian efforts, there are many resources to gather information and ways to get involved. Here are just a few that Sister Carol suggested: JusticeForImmigrants.org, NewSanctuaryCoalition.NationBuilder.com, InterFaithImmigration.org
In addition, there are many grassroots groups that are bringing food, blankets, jackets, hats, gloves, toys for the children, etc. to those migrants who are waiting to ask for asylum on the other side of the border. One such group is Team Brownsville and they have a wish-list on Amazon to send supplies and a Go Fund Me to assist those legally seeking asylum.
And a few more links that might be helpful to learn more about this issue:
- Catholic Legal Immigration Network, https://cliniclegal.org/
- RAICES—Refugee and Immigrant Center https://www.raicestexas.org
- Catholic Charities USA https://www.catholiccharitiesusa.org/our-ministry/immigration-refugee-services/
Read more about tips to increase our own compassion in Dr. Mara’s blog, Compassion and Living a Passionate Life: An Essential Element of Passion is COMpassion.
And check out Dr. Mara’s book, The Passionate Life: Creating Vitality & Joy at Any Age, for more on the benefits of compassion and Generosity of Spirit.
Listen to the podcast right HERE!