Internet Radio Shows

Thank you for stopping by the Dr. Mara Karpel & Your Golden Years. Here, you’ll find news about this week’s show, plus an archive of all the shows we’ve done since January 2014. Looking for a particular topic? Use the Search box to the right to find shows mentioning your search terms across all the archives. Visit us on Apple Podcasts, or join in the conversation on Spotify or other podcast platforms.
September 8, 2024: Barbara Shaiman, M. Ed., Founder of Champions of Caring – Intergenerational Social Activism & Dr. Mara on Navigating an Ageist Healthcare System
We are joined by Barbara Greenspan Shaiman, M.Ed, Founder of Champions of Caring, dedicated to inspiring, empowering, and activating intergenerational change-makers of all backgrounds to create social change. And Dr. Mara on navigating an ageist healthcare system.
August 25, 2024: Stephanie McAuliffe – Setting Boundaries as a Caregiver and for Healing Trauma; Dr. Mara – Navigating an Ageist Healthcare System
Author, speaker, coach, Stephanie McAuliffe of The Way of the Diamond Warrior, discusses setting boundaries as caregivers. And Dr. Mara on caregivers navigating an ageist healthcare system.
August 4, 2024: Author/Speaker, Terry Hershey – Finding Peace and Grace in a Chaotic World & Lina Bracky-French, on Caregiver Support Groups
Author/Speaker, Terry Hershey helps us to make sense of this crazy world or to, at least, find our own peace within it! And Lina Bracky-French, caregiver, talks about an on-line caregiver support group.
July 28, 2024: Speaker, Irving Stackpole – What You Need to Know About Navigating Long Term Care
Irving Stackpole will tell us what we need to know about ageism in long term care communities. And Dr. Mara on empowering family caregivers.
July 14, 2024: Stephen Hobbs – Solo Aging and Olders to Elders; Dr. Mara – Ageism in the Healthcare System
Stephen Hobbs joins us from Alberta, Canada to discuss solo-aging to become mentors on the path to live their extraordinary legacy life: making the switch from Olders to Elders. And Dr. Mara starts a series on how to support caregivers in our ageist healthcare system.
May 12, 2024: Alistair Hawkes LPC- Preventing Therapist Burnout & Dr. Mara- Lessons from Mom
Alistair Hawkes, LPC, discusses preventing burnout for therapists, others in the helping professions, and for caregivers. And Dr. Mara with more in her series “Lessons From Mom.”

Speaking Engagements
Arrange to have Dr. Karpel speak to your organization. Many groups, communities, and companies have benefited from having insights into the process of aging and the care involved.