Missed the program?  It was GREAT!  But, no worries!  You can hear it all right here!

And you can ALSO listen on Apple podcasts right HERE

We started the year 2024 off on the right foot!   Vietnam War veteran, Zen Buddhist monk, Founder of the Zaltho Foundation, and author, Claude AnShin Thomas, who has been on the show several times, joined us once again!  Claude discussed creating peace within ourselves, in our friendships, and in our communities while the world is in chaos and in spite of differing opinions.

Find out more about Claude AnShin Thomas, his books, his live free online meditations, and the Zaltho Foundation at:  www.Zaltho.org.  Claude leads several weekly free Zoom meditations each week, around the world and right here in the U.S.  And he has a free Zoom discussion meeting on Sunday mornings.  The calendar of the various meditations and other events at Zaltho are right HERE!  Clause just asks that you show up for any of the Zoom meditations or meetings at least 5 minutes prior to the start time and you must have your camera ON.  You can also reach out to Claude with any questions you might have by e-mailing him at:  [email protected].  Keep in mind that the shorter the question, the quicker the response.  Claude also told us that the Zaltho Foundation also recognizes that pets often play a big role in veterans’ recovery and sense of wellbeing and, so, Zaltho’s Veterans’ Pets Healthcare Fund helps local veterans to afford the high cost of veterinary care.  Find our more information about the Veterans’ Pets Healthcare Fund: HERE!

Claude Anshin Thomas


And Dr. Mara began a series of discussions about finding passion and purpose after the loss of the person you might have been advocating for in the healthcare system or caregiving for.  This is based on what Dr. Mara is currently learning in real-time as she navigates this new journey path following the recent loss of her mom for whom she had been a passionate advocate for within the healthcare system and long term care over the past few years.   


The Passionate Life
NOW available on Audible


Listen to the podcast right HERE!    And on Apple podcasts right HERE!