Missed the show? It was awesome! But, no worries! You can hear it all right here!
And also on Apple Podcasts!
We were joined from right here in Austin, TX, by Elise Krentzel, CEO at Kumi & Co. (Illuminating Your Talents). Elise is an Executive Strategist with heartfelt solutions and an original thinker who has crafted her own path. Elise talked about how one approaches wholesomeness in business & personal life to achieve brilliance. Entrepreneur just starting up something new or making a change? Parent looking to develop a better relationship with your teen? Find out how Elise can help you! E-mail her at: [email protected] or call for a 15 minute free consultation: 512-586-4384. Find out more about Elise and her consultations at EKPublications.com. You can also follow her on LinikedIn, Instagram, and Facebook.
We also got to go back to the beautiful Banderas Bay with the twins, Minerva and Ruben Kuhr, who took us to another beautiful destination in Mexico.
Dr. Mara with a discussion of the journey of Passion during a pandemic winter and using this time to stop, go within, clear out what you no longer need, and decide what you want to create in the new year.