Oct. 5, 2014: Musician & Author, Esther Bertram LIVE from the UK (Founder of Conscious Fiction) – Told Us About Her New Multi-Media Book & We Played Her Original Music; & Changing Your Thoughts (with Ease) to Change Your Feelings
Missed the show?? It was GREAT! You can hear it all right here:
LIVE from England: Vocalist, musician, composer, & producer, known throughout Europe, Esther Bertram. Esther is the founder of Conscious Fiction AND author of the well-being, music, media-fusion visionary novel, “November Fox.” She joined us from “across the pond” in the UK to talk about her new novel that is meant to inspire us to find our own purpose. AND we played some of her original music, about to be released with her new novel.
Live from the UK, Esther Bertam, vocalist, musician, composer and producer, is known throughout Europe, founder of Conscious Fiction AND author of the well-being, music, multi-media visionary novel, “November Fox.”EstherBertram.comNovember-Fox.com 5FingerTheory.com
Esther has launched a Kickstarter campaign for the remaining funding needed to launch her multi-media novel. You can check out her Kickstarter campaign to see what gifts you can receive at the various levels of contribution, including signed copies of the book, a full-moon calendar with “augmented reality,” and more! There are some awesome gifts! I pledged MY donation…can’t wait to receive the book! www.November-Fox.com
Oh, yeah…check out Esther’s wellness “oracle” right here: www.5FingerTheory.com. ALSO, I discussed changing your thoughts to change how you feel…with ease!
(We had a change of schedule….Laura in Vallarta was not able to make it this evening, but she will be back to report in from Puerto Vallarta on October 19.)You can hear the entire show right here, at THIS LINK.
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