Living the Passionate Life
An online course with Dr. Mara Karpel
No matter our age, we all want to live a joyful vital life. Having a dream and passionately following it, gives our life direction and meaning. Without this, it’s easy to feel that we’re stuck in a rut.
In this course, we’ll discuss strategies to find the joy in discovering and following our own North Star, get “un-stuck,” face our fears, and love and nurture ourselves to enhance the quality of our life.
And when those inevitable obstacles appear, we’ll address them with tried and true methods for forging ahead with our dreams—no matter what may lay across our path––other people’s opinions, practical logistics or even our own inner critic.
Participants in this course will also discover how to:
- Stay healthy through better food choices and exercising
- Nurture healthy relationships
- Create positive thought habits
- Laugh to invoke vitality and joy
You’ll leave the course inspired to find a new dream or renew an old one––and with the tools to love yourself right now in this present moment.
For updates on when and how to take this on-line course, visit Dr. Mara’s COURSE page on this website. Stay tuned!
Meanwhile, be sure to read a copy of “The Passionate Life: Creating Vitality & Joy at Any Age”
Available ON SALE for 99 cents on Kindle right now and in soft cover beginning September 10! Order here: