Missed the show? You can hear the podcast at the end of this post!
My broadcast was LIVE from Brooklyn, NY, on the cusp of Coney Island and Brighton Beach! Not even a year ago, this area was devastated by Hurricane Sandy. Brooklyn has since bounced back better than ever and Brooklyn-ites are, once again, enjoying the beauty of the surroundings.
My three guests, the engineer, and the producer were all part of the show from various parts of the U.S. The engineer, Chris Sanchez, did his magic from the studio in beautiful Austin, Texas. The producer, Art Mendoza, of Accomplice Entertainment, produced from South Padre Island. My guests joined me from: Boston, St. Louis, and the Rio Grande Valley of Texas!
Tonight, I spoke about the benefits of having a Geriatrician as the primary medical doctor for an older adult, as they, not only know about the differences in care needed for an older adult than for a younger adult, but also can be the central coordinator between the various specialists that are treating the older adult. I have discovered, through my own experiences with my parents, that this is extremely beneficial and, really, pretty critical for good health care.
Kimberly Blanton, blogger and researcher for the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, former reporter for The Economist, The Boston Globe, and The Dallas Times Herald, joined me, once again. This time she spoke about “Why Americans Can’t Retire.” You can read Kim’s very informative blogs by going to: http://squaredawayblog.bc.edu/. Tonight, Kim spoke about the difficulties in retiring, but, if you read her blogs, you can see what Kim says about how you can prepare yourself to be able to retire.
Kimberly Blanton, Researcher for the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. www.squaredawayblog.bc.edu
Northeast native, jazz musician and music teacher extraordinaire (he has been awarded Teacher of the Year more than once!), Keith DiSantis, joined me from the Rio Grande Valley of Texas to talk about his musical history and his current musical performances. You can contact Keith to buy his CD’s and to find out where he is playing by e-mailing him at: [email protected] or by calling him at: 956-241-1913. By the way, Keith plays every Friday evening at Marcellos Italian Restaurant in Port Isabel, TX. Come out to hear some great jazz music!!
Jazz Musician, Keith DiSantis
[email protected]
Laura Gelezunas from Vallarta was in St. Louis tonight, where she is visiting her parents, when she joined us to talk about how to be involved in the care of your aging parents in the U.S., even from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. You can read Laura’s blogs and find out what’s happening in Puerto Vallarta for retirees by going to: http://banderasnews.com/.